Harmonices Solaris

Algorithmic Composition in Immersive Audio

Project: Collaboration with Peter Traver, PHD Candidate in Composition at NYU

This project is a sonification of the planets in our solar system designed as a spatial audio installation. Audio for each planet was generated within Python using data from NASA about the planets (including Pluto). A Markov model across arbitrary pitch set space was used to generate pitch set collections for each planet with regard to the various parameters in the dataset. XP4Live is used for spatialization and visuals due to its real-time capability. The final piece, as presented, allows the audience to experience orbiting planet sound objects around them in space; the installation includes a mapping of the planets to faders on a MIDI controller allowing the audience to isolate individual planets to hear their sonic makeup and orbiting pattern. This model is presented in a spatial audio array of at least four speakers, but can also be presented as a binaural mix for virtual submission. Future work includes making this piece accessible to the public via a binaural rendering on a webpage, as well as VR implementation for enhanced interactivity.

The project was presented at the International Conference for Audio Displays held in Norkopping, Sweden in June 2023.

Access the research paper at: https://hdl.handle.net/1853/72864